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                Death is a fascinating subject matter. Admittedly, it can be quite a daunting, confusing and at times scary thought to think of death but it is inevitable – we all die, regardless of our belief in the after-life. Life, which in many terms is the opposite of death, now becomes the most important thing to understand while we have it. To have a purpose-filled life; a purposeful existence, becomes the main thing for many. One question remains, is it not simpler to just live?                 Whether you fulfill your dreams or not, whether you climb mountain Fiji or Kilimanjaro, whether you go hunting or buy your meat from the supermarket, whether you are racist, an anarchist or loving, you still get the same life, the same breath. If one thing has been proven over time, it is that Life belongs to all and should be a ba...
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Dear Person,                 This write-up is to everyone who is currently ‘doing their own thing’ or has plans to someday become their own bosses. I have met with, consulted for and managed a pretty diverse portfolio of businesses and business people and surprisingly enough, they were always bout the same thing: people. I have discovered that in business, there are certain constants which we know as the four P’s: Product, Price, Promotion and Place; the fifth unmentioned constant is People. There are good people, bad people, selfish people, stupid people, stubborn people, jealous people, ignorant people and for the sake of this write, as many other variations you can think of. When I meet with budding, struggling & successful entrepreneurs, I always seem to hear the same things or at least within the same spheres: -            -   I ...


                The title of the article says it all, I have learnt a lot from nature and now I am about to share a piece of that experience with you. For a few months at a time, between July last year and late March this year, I was in a very remote environment. I did come into the city center a number of times but most of the time I was in a completely ‘natural’ setting; with trees, a stream, a river with its bank insects, day or night, I could see the stars in all their glory, shining ever so brightly on many nights, I could hear the rain drops as they beat down on the ground. I could take a walk in the rain or at other times in the woods, plains or fields and look at simple creatures; ants and lizards and grasshoppers in their fullness of colour, green, brown, yellow with burnt trees which happened to be burn victims when the villagers set their lands ablaze re-ignite the power of the soils to bring ...

The Honest Truth

After many years of working with very many types of people, I have discovered a common challenge. Most people usually have their solutions just around them but are unable to tap into it. The surprising thing and twist is that once they begin to see and experience it, they suddenly want to control it, when they do, they go back to how things were in the beginning: comfortable. This can be said for the case of Africa as a whole and her people in parts. Our solution does not lie in support from external parties, it lies within. It always has and always will. Although we cannot eradicate the support and influence from an external source, we need to properly propagate such waters and be aware of our own circumstances. Th question would arise many times, how can I achieve my dream, hoe can I do this and how can I do that. My answer to such clients is quite simple: 'Do it'. Many times they do not believe me and go ahead to do nothing. But when they pay me to help them, then they,...

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder what life all means. Some days are fantastic while others are just plain and simply tough to deal with. To be alive is a gift given by God who made all living creatures to experience the existence called life. In life there are very many challenges, most of all, the challenges of being human. Every single person that walks the earth has some idea or theory on how they feel life should be lived. The rich dominate the poor, the strong dominate the weak. This is a fact of life that has proven that there cannot in fact be anything remotely close to equality in life between humans. However, there exists a theory in spiritual belief that all men are made equal. However true this is, it still possesses a fundamental flaw in its theory; those at the helm of leadership in these spiritual or religious structures are then treated like small gods which followers worship at the very cost of their lives. What is true about the human being remains true simply in fact, not ...